Visual Basic Source Code
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176 lines
Begin VB.Form Form1
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BorderStyle = 0 'None
Caption = "Form1"
ClientHeight = 1605
ClientLeft = 5250
ClientTop = 3750
ClientWidth = 1605
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 1605
ScaleMode = 0 'User
ScaleWidth = 1605
ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
Begin VB.Timer Timer1
Interval = 1
Left = 600
Top = 480
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Dim second As Long, minute As Long, hour As Long
Dim second_Prv As Long, minute_Prv As Long, hour_Prv As Long
Dim Pos_x(1 To 60) As Double
Dim Pos_y(1 To 60) As Double
Dim Minute_to_x As Double, Minute_to_y As Double
Dim Hour_to_x As Double, Hour_to_y As Double
Dim swp As Long, shp As Long
Dim fwp As Long, fhp As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, pi As Double, c As Long
Private Sub Form_DblClick()
Me.Visible = False
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Storing Pi
pi = 3.1415629
'Scr Width and height by pixels
swp = Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
shp = Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
'Form Width and height by pixels. Of course
'we are not setting them here, but storing
fwp = 105
fhp = 105
'Here, we are creating an elliptic region,
c = CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, 103, 102)
'As you see, the function returnes an id for the region,
'And we are seting the region as our form
SetWindowRgn Form1.hWnd, c, True
With Form1
.BackColor = vbBlack
.Picture = LoadPicture(VB.App.Path + "\clock.bmp")
.Move Screen.Width - (fwp + 10) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, _
10 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY, _
fwp * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, _
fhp * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End With
'Storing these calculatings into an array matrix,
'And calling them from there,
'is faster around 20 times than calculating.
'This, is a mathamatical process, But I think you can
'understand what's going on here.
For i = 1 To 60
Pos_x(i) = 35 * Cos(-(pi / 2) + (i * (pi / 30)))
Pos_y(i) = 35 * Sin(-(pi / 2) + (i * (pi / 30)))
Next i
'Set scalemode to pixels.
Form1.ScaleMode = vbPixels
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
'Take the time of computer
second = Val(Right(Time$, 2))
second_Prv = second - 1
minute = Val(Mid(Time$, 4, 2))
minute_Prv = minute - 1
'The clock is analogue. So:
hour = Val(Left(Time$, 2)) Mod 12
hour_Prv = hour - 1
If hour = 0 Then hour = 12: hour_Prv = 11
If minute = 0 Then minute = 60: minute_Prv = 59
If second = 0 Then second = 60: second_Prv = 59
If hour = 1 Then hour_Prv = 0
If minute = 1 Then minute_Prv = 60
If second = 1 Then second_Prv = 60
'We need to do the clearing together, and first.
'Or something we drawed might be cleared
Form1.Line (51, 50)-(51 + Pos_x(second_Prv), 50 + Pos_y(second_Prv)), vbWhite
Minute_to_x = 51 + 0.9 * Pos_x(minute_Prv)
Minute_to_y = 50 + 0.9 * Pos_y(minute_Prv)
draw_minute False
If second = 60 Then
'This means a first moment of a minute
If minute < 12 Or minute = 60 Then
Hour_to_x = 51 + 0.7 * Pos_x(hour_Prv * 5 + Int(59 / 12))
Hour_to_y = 50 + 0.7 * Pos_y(hour_Prv * 5 + Int(59 / 12))
If minute = 12 Then
Hour_to_x = 51 + 0.7 * Pos_x(hour * 5 + Int(minute_Prv / 12))
Hour_to_y = 50 + 0.7 * Pos_y(hour * 5 + Int(minute_Prv / 12))
If hour = 12 Then hour = 0
Hour_to_x = 51 + 0.7 * Pos_x(hour * 5 + Int(minute_Prv / 12))
Hour_to_y = 50 + 0.7 * Pos_y(hour * 5 + Int(minute_Prv / 12))
If hour = 0 Then hour = 12
End If
End If
draw_hour False
End If
Minute_to_x = 51 + 0.9 * Pos_x(minute)
Minute_to_y = 50 + 0.9 * Pos_y(minute)
draw_minute True
If hour = 12 Then hour = 0
If minute = 60 Then minute = 0
If hour = 0 And minute < 12 Then hour = 12
If hour = 0 And minute = 0 Then hour = 12
Hour_to_x = 51 + 0.7 * Pos_x(hour * 5 + Int(minute / 12))
Hour_to_y = 50 + 0.7 * Pos_y(hour * 5 + Int(minute / 12))
draw_hour True
End Sub
Sub Draw_Second()
Form1.Line (51, 50)-(51 + Pos_x(second), 50 + Pos_y(second)), RGB(128, 128, 128)
End Sub
Sub draw_minute(Draw_Or_Clear As Boolean)
'I think, easy to understand
Dim Draw_Color As ColorConstants
If Draw_Or_Clear = True Then
Draw_Color = RGB(128, 128, 128)
Draw_Color = vbWhite
End If
For i = 50 To 52
For j = 49 To 51
Form1.Line (i, j)-(Minute_to_x, Minute_to_y), Draw_Color
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Sub draw_hour(Draw_Or_Clear As Boolean)
'I think, easy to understand
Dim Draw_Color As ColorConstants
If Draw_Or_Clear = True Then
Draw_Color = RGB(128, 128, 128)
Draw_Color = vbWhite
End If
For i = 49 To 53
For j = 48 To 52
Form1.Line (i, j)-(Hour_to_x, Hour_to_y), Draw_Color
Next j
Next i
End Sub